Searching Standard: Palafin EX

Mike Likes
July 11, 2024

Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Palafin ex TWM 61, a Pokemon with a very unusual method of entering play. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Palafin exLittleDarkFury Abra 80 Bibarel 121 Bidoof 111 Finizen 60 Finizen 59 Manaphy 41 Palafin 49 Palafin 60 Palafin ex 61 Skwovet 151 Arven 166 Boss’s Orders 172 Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144 Carmine 145 Choice Belt 176 Counter Catcher 160 Earthen Vessel 163 Iono 185 Irida 147 Jamming Tower 153 Lost Vacuum 162 Nest Ball 181 Pal Pad 182 Prime Catcher 157 Professor's Research 190 Rescue Board 159 Super Rod 188 Switch 194 Technical Machine: Devolution 177 Ultra Ball 196 Jet Energy 190 Water Energy 93


Because of Palafin ex TWM 61's Hero's Spirit Ability, you can only evolve into it by using the effect of Palafin TWM 60's Zero to Hero Ability. Doing this allows you to search your deck for Palafin ex TWM 61 when Palafin TWM 60 moves to your Bench from your Active Spot. You'll then shuffle Palafin TWM 60 back into your deck, where you can hopefully play it again. This will leave Palafin ex TWM 61 on your Bench with anything that was on Palafin TWM 60 on Palafin ex TWM 61 instead. Once you find a way to make Palafin ex TWM 61 your Active Pokemon again, you can use its Giga Impact attack for a single Energy, dealing a whopping 250 damage. This attack does have the downside that Palafin ex TWM 61 won't be able to attack again on your next turn. With its massive 340 HP, that might not be a problem, but as you'll soon see, there are ways to mitigate this problem.


There's also a single copy of Palafin TEF 49 in this deck that you can use as a decent attacker. It has 150 HP, and an attack that can also be used for a single Energy, Vanguard Punch. This attack will deal 130 damage, but Palafin TEF 49 will also hurt itself when using this attack if it has any damage on itself.

The single copy of Abra TWM 80 is included in this deck as a way to help you attack with Palafin ex TWM 61 the turn it comes into play. When you evolve into Palafin ex TWM 61, it will be on your Bench, but if you have Abra TWM 80 in your Active Spot, you can use its Teleporter Ability to shuffle it back into your deck and move Palafin ex TWM 61 to the Active Spot.


As a way of drawing extra cards, this deck employs the Industrious Incisors Ability of Bibarel BRS 121 in conjunction with the Nest Stash Ability of Skwovet SVI 151 to churn through your deck, gaining access to numerous new cards each turn.

Manaphy BRS 41 is included in this deck as a defensive measure due to its Wave Veil Ability, which will protect your Benched Pokemon from taking damage when your opponent attacks.


Switch SVI 194 is one of the most important cards in this deck, allowing you to move Palafin ex TWM 61 to your Active Spot right away when it evolves. You can also use it to help counteract Palafin ex TWM 61's inability to attack, switching it out for a fresh attacker. Rescue Board TEF 159 is similar to Switch SVI 194, helping to reduce the Retreat Cost of the Pokemon it's attached to by one Energy.

Helping you find the Pokemon you need is this next batch of cards. Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 and Nest Ball SVI 181 can help you find specific Basic Pokemon, while Ultra Ball SVI 196 can find any Pokemon. Just be sure not to use Ultra Ball SVI 196 to search for Palafin ex TWM 61, as Palafin TWM 60's Zero to Hero Ability already allows you to search your deck for it.

Since this deck relies on a lot of moving parts, there is a copy of Carmine TWM 145 included as a way to help you on your first turn of the game (if you go first). The extra cards you draw when you play Carmine TWM 145 can help you find the combo pieces you need more easily.

Since Palafin ex TWM 61 might get stuck in your Active Spot while it is unable to attack, it's important for you to attack effectively. This batch of cards all allow you to choose which of your opponent's Pokemon you will be attacking. Prime Catcher TEF 157 also offers you a way of moving Palafin ex TWM 61 to your Active Spot.


Both Arven SVI 166 and Irida ASR 147 help you find what you need from your deck with ease. Arven SVI 166 Finds an Item and a Pokemon Tool, while Irida ASR 147 finds a Water Type Pokemon and an Item.


Both Iono PAL 185 and Professor's Research SVI 190 offer you the means of drawing new cards. Iono PAL 185 also can slow your opponent down, especially if they've taken numerous Prize cards. Professor's Research SVI 190 allows you to draw a brand new hand of seven cards, but in order to play it, you'll need to discard all of the cards in your current hand first, so make sure you've played everything you need to first.



All of the remaining cards in this deck are beneficial, but not absolutely vital for this deck. Jamming Tower TWM 153 and Lost Vacuum LOR 162 offer you the means of dealing with an opponent's Pokemon Tool cards and Stadiums. Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 offers a way to deal with evolution-heavy decks. Earthen Vessel PAR 163 provides you a way to ensure you have the Energy you need. Pal Pad SVI 182 and Super Rod PAL 188 shuffle Supporters, Pokemon, and Energy back into your deck, offering you the chance of playing them again in the future. Finally, Choice Belt PAL 176 provides you with a way of dealing a bit of extra damage. All of these cards are good, and there are ways of finding them in your deck without having to rely on finding them with the one card you're sure to draw each turn.

Wrapping Up

Combo decks can be a lot of fun, and this is definitely a combo deck at heart. If you enjoy the challenge of meeting certain requirements in order to get a big reward, you might enjoy this deck.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes