Searching Standard: Golem ex

Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Golem ex MEW 76, a Pokemon capable of dealing a lot of damage with only having a single Energy attached. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.


Golem ex Deck
  2 Bibarel 121
  2 Bidoof 111
  1 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 112
  4 Geodude 74
  3 Golem ex 76
  2 Graveler 75
  1 Munkidori 95
  2 Artazon 171
  3 Arven 166
  1 Boss’s Orders 172
  2 Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144
  1 Counter Catcher 160
  1 Earthen Vessel 163
  4 Iono 185
  1 Maximum Belt 154
  4 Nest Ball 181
  1 Night Stretcher 61
  2 Professor Turo's Scenario 121
  1 Professor's Research 122
  4 Rare Candy 191
  1 Rock Chestplate 192
  1 Super Rod 188
  1 Technical Machine: Evolution 178
  4 Ultra Ball 196
  1 Basic Darkness Energy
  6 Basic Fighting Energy
  4 Double Turbo Energy 151


Golem ex MEW 76 is the main attacker in this deck. Its Dynamic Roll attack requires a single Energy to use and deals 50 damage. The damage for your next attack will be increased by an additional 120 damage when you use this attack, provided that Golem ex MEW 76 remains in your Active Spot. That allows its Rock Blaster attack to deal a whopping 300 damage. As you'll see later on, you'll be able to deal even extra damage with the attachment of Pokemon Tools.

Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112 is a great backup attacker for this deck. Its Demolish attack deals a guaranteed 140 damage, since it's not affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon. It also has a nifty Ability, Cornerstone Stance, which prevents all damage being dealt to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112 from a Pokemon with an Ability. Munkidori TWM 95's Adrena-Brain Ability offers you the means of healing your Pokemon with the added benefit of adding damage counters to your opponent's Pokemon.

Before it rotates from Standard, you might as well enjoy drawing extra cards with Bibarel BRS 121's Industrious Incisors Ability. This Ability is the sole reason for including Bibarel BRS 121 in this deck, as you won't want to use its Tail Smash attack since it requires a lot of Energy and has the potential to do nothing.

I mentioned earlier that you'll be able to deal extra damage when attacking, and that's thanks to Maximum Belt TEF 154. While this Pokemon Tool is attached, your attacks will deal an additional 50 damage if your opponent's Active Pokemon is a Pokemon ex. Another Pokemon Tool that is great to attach to Golem ex MEW 76 is Rock Chestplate SVI 192. Doing this will reduce the amount of damage dealt to Golem ex MEW 76 by 30 damage.

This deck includes a full playset of Rare Candy SVI 191 to help you evolve into Golem ex MEW 76 more quickly. Additionally, there is a single copy of Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 which provides the Evolution attack. Using this attack will let you evolve 2 of your Benched Pokemon with those evolutions coming straight from your deck.

It's always important to be able to find your Basic Pokemon quickly. This group of cards help with that task. You can use Artazon PAL 171 to search your deck for a Basic Pokemon without a Rule Box to put onto your Bench. Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 lets you search for 2 Pokemon with 70 HP or less to put onto your Bench. Finally, Nest Ball SVI 181 can be used to search your deck for any Basic Pokemon to put onto your Bench, so you'll want to use this if you need to search for Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112.

This deck also has a full playset of Ultra Ball SVI 196, which you can use to search your deck for any Pokemon to put into your hand. The drawback is that you'll need to discard two other cards from your hand in order to play Ultra Ball SVI 196, but that can be turned into a positive instead of a drawback. With Night Stretcher SFA 61, you might be able to return one of those discarded cards to your hand. And with Super Rod PAL 188, you'll be able to shuffle up to 3 cards back into your deck.

Both Boss’s Orders PAL 172 and Counter Catcher PAR 160 offer you the ability to choose which of your opponent's Benched Pokemon to move to their Active Spot. By doing this, you can choose a Pokemon you're sure to Knock Out, and if it provides you with multiple Prize cards, that's an added bonus.

I've already shown you some great Item and Pokemon Tool cards. By playing Arven SVI 166, you can search for 1 of each type of these cards to put into your hand. Speaking of great Items, Earthen Vessel PAR 163 is a terrific way for you to be able to ensure you have the Energy you need for attacking. If you have a Pokemon that has taken some damage throughout the game and don't want your opponent to Knock that Pokemon Out, you can use Professor Turo's Scenario PRE 121 to return that Pokemon to your hand, denying your opponent the chance of scoring any Prize cards.

The final Trainers in this deck are both Supporters that can help you draw extra cards. Professor's Research PRE 122 lets you draw a new hand of 7 cards, but you'll have to discard your current hand when you play it. Iono PAL 185 puts the current cards in your hand on the bottom of your deck before letting you draw a new hand of cards equal to the number of Prize cards you have remaining. It also forces your opponent to do the same thing, which can severely limit their options, especially if they've been doing well.

Wrapping Up


While Golem ex MEW 76 isn't one of the flashiest Pokemon around, it can be quite dangerous. As long as you can manage to keep Golem ex MEW 76 in your Active Spot, you can consistently deal 170 damage for a single Energy, which is incredible.


What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!


- Mike Likes


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