Searching Standard: Staraptor Strong Breeze

Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of Popsicle Knight. It features Staraptor from Brilliant Stars, and focuses on keeping your opponent from becoming too powerful. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Staraptor Strong BreezePopsicle Knight Farfetch'd BRS 115 Snorlax VIV 131 Starly 145 Tornadus 126 Staravia 118 Staraptor 119 Galarian Zigzagoon 117 Galarian Linoone 160 Galarian Obstagoon 37 Manaphy 41 Bird Keeper 159 Evolution Incense 163 Ordinary Rod 171 Marnie 56 Quick Ball 237 Rare Candy 180 Avery 130 Raihan 152 Boss's Orders 132 Level Ball 129 Scoop Up Net 165 Collapsed Stadium 137 Switch 183 Twin Energy 174 Double Turbo Energy 151 Darkness Energy 97 Powerful Colorless Energy 176

Staraptor BRS 119 is the main attacker for this deck. By using it's Strong Breeze attack, your opponent will be forced to shuffle their Active Pokemon and all attached cards into their deck. Using this attack against a Pokemon that your opponent has been working to power up can be an effective way of preventing them from using any powerful attacks. It can even be possible for you to shuffle all of your opponent's Pokemon as the game progresses, thereby winning because your opponent doesn't have any Pokemon left in play.

Galarian Obstagoon CPA 37's Wicked Ruler Ability is meant to be used every turn to keep your opponent's options limited. Once you return some cards to your opponent's hand with Staraptor BRS 119 's Strong Breeze attack, you can often force them to decide whether to keep those cards they had previously played, or others that are in their hand. By limiting the amount of cards they can keep in their hand, you'll have an easier time keeping threats off the table.

This group of Pokemon are all secondary attackers. Tornadus BRS 126 has the Sudden Cyclone Ability, which you can use when Tornadus BRS 126 is played onto your Bench to force your opponent to switch their Active Pokemon with one from their Bench. Farfetch'd BRS 115 can dish out a small amount of damage with its Leek Lash attack, but it's likely to be the least effective of these secondary attackers until another attack softens up its target. Finally, Snorlax VIV 131 is mostly used for its Gormandize Ability, which helps you refill your hand, but in a pinch you can attack with its Body Slam attack for 100 damage plus the possibility of Paralyzing your opponent's Active Pokemon.

Manaphy BRS 41 serves a single purpose in this deck - keeping your Benched Pokemon safe. It does this with its Wave Veil Ability, which prevents all damage that would be done to your Benched Pokemon by your opponent's attacks.

Since Staraptor BRS 119 is our main attacker, it makes sense to include a couple of copies of Bird Keeper DAA 159 in this deck. Playing Bird Keeper DAA 159 during your turn not only allows you to switch your Active Pokemon with one from your Bench, but it also allows you to draw three cards. In addition, Starly DAA 145 can take advantage of its Sky Circus Ability, and you'll get to attack with its Keen Eye attack without needing the two Energy usually required to use this attack. Keen Eye allows you to search your deck for any two cards to put into your hand, which can be very helpful.


This next pair of Items help you find the Pokemon you need from within your deck. Quick Ball FST 237 can find any Basic Pokemon, while Level Ball BST 129 can only find a Pokemon with 90 HP or fewer. Both of these help get the ball rolling, aiding you in your quest to evolve into Staraptor BRS 119, so make sure you get Staravia BRS 118 and Starly DAA 145 quickly.


Evolution Incense SSH 163 can also help you find Staravia BRS 118, as well as any other Evolution Pokemon you might need. You can even find Staraptor BRS 119, which you can put into play right away as long as you also have Starly DAA 145 in play and Rare Candy SSH 180 in your hand.


Earlier I mentioned that Galarian Obstagoon CPA 37's Wicked Ruler Ability should be used every turn to limit your opponent's options. This next pair of cards also limits your opponent as well, which should make your job easier. Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 reduces the size of each player's Bench to only four Pokemon. Similarly, Avery CRE 130 also reduces the amount of Benched Pokemon your opponent has in play, forcing them to discard Benched Pokemon until only three remain. With fewer Pokemon in play, it's easier to shuffle back in the few that remain.


This group of Supporter cards are usually found in the majority of current Standard decks. Marnie CPA 56 shakes up your opponent's hand, forcing them to change their plans. She also can act as a means of drawing additional cards for you. Raihan EVS 152 acts as a way to catch up once one of your Pokemon gets Knocked Out. Finally, Boss's Orders BRS 132 allows you to attack any of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. This is a great way to keep your opponent from stalling things by putting their less important Pokemon in their Active Spot while they build up a Pokemon on their Bench.


Our last group of cards are all general purpose Trainer cards found in most decks. Scoop Up Net RCL 165 allows you to pull one of your Pokemon back to your hand, potentially saving it from being Knocked out and providing you another chance to use an Ability that happens when that Pokemon is played to your Bench. You'll most often want to play this on Tornadus BRS 126. Switch SSH 183 allows you to move one of your Benched Pokemon to your Active Spot. This can be especially useful after your opponent has moved Staraptor BRS 119 to your Bench with one of their Trainer cards. Finally, Ordinary Rod SSH 171 is a great way to reuse some Pokemon or Basic Energy that have gone to your discard pile.

Wrapping Up

While I don't expect this deck to light the tournament scene on fire, I do think it looks like a lot of fun to play. I enjoy playing decks that attempt to win in unusual ways, and this is certainly one of those decks. Since you're not swinging for 300+ damage with each attack, your opponent might have trouble coming up with a defense for your plans.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes


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