Searching Standard: Spidops EX / Ariados

Mike Likes
August 01, 2024

Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Spidops ex SVI 19 and Ariados TWM 5, two Pokemon capable of trapping your opponent's Active Pokemon in place. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Spidops ex / Ariados LittleDarkFury Ariados 5 Manaphy 41 Spidops ex 19 Spinarak 4 Tarountula 16 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 25 Boss’s Orders 172 Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144 Bug Catching Set 143 Counter Catcher 160 Earthen Vessel 163 Energy Switch 173 Iono 185 Lost Vacuum 162 Nest Ball 181 Pal Pad 182 Professor's Research 190 Super Rod 188 Switch 194 Ultra Ball 196 Unfair Stamp 165 Grass Energy 91


With the help of Spidops ex SVI 19's Trap Territory Ability, you'll add an Energy to the Retreat Cost of your opponent's Active Pokemon. That can make it difficult for your opponent to switch their Pokemon without the help of a Trainer card. The Trap Territory Ability also allows you to deal extra damage when you attack with Spidops ex SVI 19's Wire Hang attack. Since Trap Territory doesn't require Spidops ex SVI 19 to be in your Active Spot to use it, you can have multiple copies of Spidops ex SVI 19 on your Bench, all adding to the Retreat Cost of your opponent's Active Pokemon.


If your opponent's Active Pokemon happens to be an Evolution Pokemon, you can similarly increase its Retreat Cost due to Ariados TWM 5's Big Net Ability. Ariados TWM 5 also has the String Bind attack, which is similar to Spidops ex SVI 19's Wire Hang attack, as it also deals extra damage for each Colorless Energy in your opponent's Active Pokemon's Retreat Cost.


Teal Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 25 has the Teal Dance Ability which can be used to attach a Basic Grass Energy from your hand to itself. Doing this will also allow you to draw a card, providing a bit of card advantage over your opponent. You can then use Energy Switch SVI 173 to move that Basic Grass Energy to your Spidops ex SVI 19 so it can attack right away. Manaphy BRS 41 sole purpose is to protect your Benched Pokemon from damage with its Wave Veil Ability.

With the help of both Boss’s Orders PAL 172 and Counter Catcher PAR 160, you can move a Pokemon with a high Retreat Cost to your opponent's Active Spot. This will allow you to deal as much damage as possible when you attack with Spidops ex SVI 19's Wire Hang attack or Ariados TWM 5's String Bind attack.

Helping you find the Pokemon you need is what this batch of cards is all about. Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 finds you two of your Basic, non-ex Pokemon to put onto your Bench. Nest Ball SVI 181 helps find any of your Basic Pokemon to put onto your Bench. Finally, Ultra Ball SVI 196 can be used to search for any Pokemon you need, regardless of its HP or Stage.


Bug Catching Set TWM 143 is another way you can find Grass Type Pokemon to put into your hand, but you'll usually use it to put Basic Grass Energy into your hand instead. Earthen Vessel PAR 163 can also help you find Basic Grass Energy, but using it requires you to discard a card from your hand.

By drawing more cards, you're able to see more of your deck and have access to more of the cards you need. For pure card drawing power, nothing compares to Professor's Research SVI 190. You'll draw seven new cards to your hand, but in order to play Professor's Research SVI 190, you'll first need to discard the rest of the cards you have in your hand. Playing Iono PAL 185 can reduce your opponent's options in their hand, and may slow down their momentum if they're unable to draw anything particularly useful as their card for the turn. Unfair Stamp TWM 165 is similar to Iono PAL 185, but you can only pay this card if one of your Pokemon was Knocked Out on your opponent's previous turn.


While there are only three different Supporter cards in this deck, they are all quite powerful. By playing Pal Pad SVI 182, you can increase your chances of finding them quickly. There are a couple of copies of Switch SVI 194 included in this deck to help provide mobility for your team. With this Item, you can move your Pokemon around without having to discard any Energy as a Retreat Cost.

The final pair of cards are general all-purpose cards. Lost Vacuum LOR 162 offers you a way to deal with annoying Pokemon Tools or Stadiums, while Super Rod PAL 188 offers a bit of recursion for your deck. Any time you can play a card multiple times in the game is added value for you.

Wrapping Up

While this deck fares better against some decks over others, there's no doubt it's annoying to play against. If you're a player that likes to limit your opponent's options, you should give this deck a try.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes