Searching Standard: Gengar Ex


Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Gengar ex TEF 104, a Pokemon that punishes your opponent for powering up their Pokemon. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Gengar exLittleDarkFury Bibarel 121 Bidoof 120 Cleffa 80 Fezandipiti ex 38 Gastly 64 Gastly 102 Gengar ex 104 Haunter 103 Manaphy 41 Pecharunt ex 39 Roaring Moon ex 124 Rotom V 45 Arven 166 Binding Mochi 55 Boss’s Orders 172 Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144 Collapsed Stadium 137 Dark Patch 139 Earthen Vessel 163 Forest Seal Stone 156 Iono 185 Janine's Secret Art 59 Nest Ball 84 Night Stretcher 61 Rare Candy 89 Super Rod 188 Technical Machine: Devolution 177 Ultra Ball 91 Unfair Stamp 165 Darkness Energy 97



With Gengar ex TEF 104's Gnawing Curse Ability, you'll place 2 damage counters on any Pokemon that your opponent attaches an Energy card to if that card is from their hand. Since this Ability stacks, you'll want to get as many copies of Gengar ex TEF 104 on your Bench as you can. Gengar ex TEF 104 also has the Tricky Steps attack, which will deal 160 damage to your opponent's Active pokemon. As a bonus, you'll get to move one Energy from that Active pokemon to any of their Benched Pokemon. If possible, try to move that Energy to a Pokemon that won't be able to use it to attack.


A single copy of Fezandipiti ex SFA 38 is included in this deck primarily for the use of its Flip the Script Ability. This Ability can be very useful in getting you back into the game after suffering the loss of one of your Pokemon. There's also a single copy of Pecharunt ex SFA 39 in this deck. Once again, it's included for the use of its Ability, Subjugating Chains, which can allow you a lot of mobility with your Pokemon. The only downside is that your new Active Pokemon will become Poisoned. And, in keeping with the theme, there's a single copy of Roaring Moon ex PAR 124 in this deck. It's included primarily to be used as a late game attacker. Both of its attacks can be very useful in defeating your opponent.


As a means of drawing extra cards, this deck employs Bibarel BRS 121. With its Industrious Incisors Ability, you can maintain a hand of five cards throughout the game. Extra cards provide extra options, so be sure to use this Ability each turn, if able.


Another source of extra cards is Cleffa OBF 80's Grasping Draw attack. This requires no Energy to use, and will refill your hand to seven cards. Additionally, Rotom V CRZ 45 also has an Ability that allows you to draw cards, Instant Charge. The final Pokemon in the deck is Manaphy BRS 41, which is included for the use of its Wave Veil Ability, which will protect your Benched Pokemon from taking damage when your opponent's Active Pokemon attacks.


Our first batch of Trainer cards includes the most notable ones found in this deck. By attaching Binding Mochi SFA 55 to a Gengar ex TEF 104 that you've moved to your Active Spot via the use of Pecharunt ex SFA 39's Subjugating Chains Ability, you'll be able to deal an additional 40 damage when it attacks. There's also a pair of Dark Patch ASR 139 and Janine's Secret Art SFA 59 each, which help you attach extra Energy each turn. This enables you to use more powerful attacks quicker than you would without the Energy acceleration.


To find the Pokemon you need, this deck runs the standard Items that can help you search your deck for Pokemon. Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 helps you find a pair of Basic Pokemon that have 70 HP or less. This will be most of your Basic Pokemon. There's a copy of Nest Ball PAF 84 that you can use to find any Basic Pokemon at all, without restrictions. Finally, you have a playset of Ultra Ball PAF 91, which you can use to search your deck for any Pokemon. By using these Items, you should have no trouble getting the Pokemon you need into play.


By using Boss’s Orders PAL 172 and Unfair Stamp TWM 165, you'll get to choose which of your opponent's Pokemon to attack. Remember that Unfair Stamp TWM 165 requires you to switch your Pokemon too, so make sure you have a powered up Pokemon sitting on your Bench. Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 is included as a safety measure, to be used against those decks that rely on using Rare Candy PAF 89 to evolve. You can often Knock Out some Pokemon by simply devolving them while they have damage on themselves.


Earthen Vessel PAR 163 can be used to help you find Basic Energy from your deck. Forest Seal Stone SIT 156 offers you a VSTAR Power, the Star Alchemy Ability, that allows you to search your deck for any card you need. You also have a playset of Arven SVI 166, who allows you to search your deck for a Pokemon Tool and an IItem card.

The only Stadium in this deck is Collapsed Stadium BRS 137. By reducing your opponent's Bench size, you reduce their options throughout the game. And, since you know this card is in your deck, you'll be able to play around this effect more carefully than they will be able to.


There are three copies of Iono PAL 185 in this deck, which can be played in order to disrupt your opponent's hand and limit their options. Additionally, it allows you to draw a new hand of cards, hopefully helping you find what you need. The final pair of cards in this deck are Night Stretcher SFA 61 and Super Rod PAL 188, which help with recursion. Whether you're shuffling cards into your deck or putting them into your hand, both of these offer you the chance to play those cards an additional time.

Wrapping Up

As we approach Halloween, you might find yourself wanting to play more thematic decks. This deck featuring Gengar ex TEF 104 is both thematic and powerful.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes


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