Paldea Evovled is shaping up to be a pretty gnarly set with lots of new toys for decks to play with! One deck I am convinced is set to have a massive boost is Zoroark box.
Zoroark Box is built around Zoroark's Phantom Transformation ability which lets you swap the Zoroark with any other stage one in your discard pile. This lets you play a myriad of different attackers without having to run the basics necessary to get them into play.
Unfortaly for Zoroark the achilles heel of the deck has always been energy acceleration. Since you have to run so many pokemon you do not have the room to run any ways to turbo out energy.
At least that was the case since now after Paldea Evolved you now have access to Reversal Energy.
Reveral Energy reads “ As long as this card is attached to a Pokémon, it provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time.
If the Pokémon this card is attached to has any other Special Energy attached, this card provides Colorless Energy instead.”
This is perfect for Zororark since you tend to be behind on prize cards most of the time, and now you have three rainbow energies to power up some crazy attackers!
Lets have a look at the cards Zoroark can play now.
Cetitan might become the bread and butter attacker you go for. It has a beefy 180HP with an equally as beefy attack special horn which does 80+ 140 damage if you have any special energy attached.
This leaves Cetitan in the strong position where it can wreck anything Lost Box can throw at it while also staying out of range of most of Lost Boxes attackers too.
Against everything else it is a solid 240 damage which you can't really argue with!
This means Scizor has utility outside of just gunning for Chien Pao since it can pick up KO’s on Lumineon v and Squawkabilly ex which is always great.
There is a Melmetal you can use too for a similar purpose as it makes itself immune to anything that has an ability next turn but I like the extra utility Scizor offers.
Trevenant is mostly here for being a counter to grass weak attackers like Tyrantitar V since its Giga Impact attack does 150 which is perfect maths to KO such pokemon.
Its ability Elder Tree Barrier, again however is very helpful. SInce it reads if this pokemon is KO’d by a V Pokemon then your opponent takes no prize cards for it.
This can set up some pretty interesting situations as well as being down right annoying to deal with sometimes so Trevenant is definitely worth the inclusion.
Electivire is a strong bench hitting pokemon! For a reversal energy attachment you can do 50 to each of your opponents pokemon! This can be effective vs Gardevoir decks and Lost Box decks too especially if you can pull off multiple uses.
Drifblim works in a similar way to Electivire since it spreads 8 damage counters with Curse Spreading. This can be really effective at getting rid of your opponents Manaphy so you can get to work with Electivire.
This angry looking Steelix can really make life hard for Arceus decks. Since it actually tanks a Trinity Nova from an Arceus VSTAR that has a double turbo energy attached.
Its Earthquake attack for a Reversal Energy attachments can eject any fighting weak pokemon from its way since it does 180 damage. It does however do 20 to each of your benched pokemon too so you do have to be careful with using it too much but against multi prize fighting weak pokemon you will be fine.
Since you are already running the Kirlia lines for its ability refinement you can run a Gallade to help out even further. Its Buddy Catch ability lets you grab any supporter from your deck.
This means you are effectively dead draw proof! Not only that but its attack is actually very helpful too, Swirling slice does 160 damage which is perfect for KO’in Psychic weak pokemon but also moves the Reversal energy away from the Gallade effectively protecting it.
Don’t forget this is all in addition to the already strong Zoroark attacking core like Flapple, Mightyena and Appletun too! So with that all being sad maybe its time to dig Zoroark out of the binder!