Wizards Hires Author Martha Wells to Write Upcoming Magic Stories

Love the lore behind Magic: The Gathering? Today it's taking a big step forward.

Earlier today, Wizards of the Coast announced that they've hired fantasy and science fiction author Martha Wells to write a number of short stories set in Magic's first plane and upcoming set, Dominaria

Martha Wells's professional writing career began in 1993 with the publication of her first novel, The Element of Fire. (Coincidentally, this was the same year of Magic's initial release.) Since then, Wells has published numerous novels, novellas, and short stories. Her recent novella, All Systems Red, has been nominated for the 2018 Philip K. Dick Award.

For fans who might be concerned about Wells's ability to properly capture Magic's tone, there's no need to worry. She has prior experience working within larger franchises, having previously written both Star Wars and Stargate novels.

In an interview with Magic Senior Creative Director Doug Beyer, Wells dropped some spicy hints at what we'll see in the new set, including the returns of the Cabal and the fabled Weatherlight. She also discussed the excitement and challenge of working within such a rich world, and how she's hoping to live up to fan expectations. Definitely worth a listen.

This represents an interesting and exciting step forward for the Magic story. Though Magic's lore has taken the form of free web-based short fiction for a while now, this represents the first time this free fiction will be written by a professional author from outside the company.

Martha Wells's first Dominaria story will debut on Daily MTG Wednesday, March 14. Don't miss it! 

Kyle Massa is a writer and avid Magic player living in upstate New York with his fiancée and their two cats. When he's not writing, you'll find him down at the East Greenbush Flipside store jamming booster drafts. For more of Kyle's work, visit www.kyleamassa.com or follow him on Twitter @mindofkyleam.


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