FAQ: Ikoria Pre-orders

To all those who have supported us here at Flipside Gaming through this turbulent and uncertain time, we want to express our gratitude. We hope this article can help clear up some frequently asked questions you may have concerning our Ikoria release. 

We will continue to update this page with additional information as we receive it.

Q: When will my Ikoria order be shipped? 

A: Due to the widespread shut-downs associated with COVID-19, we are currently working through a large backlog of preorders at this time. With that being said, we are in the process of shipping these pre-orders and will be continuing throughout the next week, with the goal of having all orders out by next Friday (5/22). If you provided and email address at check out you will receive a tracking notification when your order ships.

Q: With the Commander 2020 Shortage, when will I get my product?

A: [Updated 5-29] We plan on having all Commander 2020 shipped by mid-week next week. Thank you for your patience. 

Q: When will I get my Japanese Godzilla card pack that comes with my Collector Booster Box?

A: [Updated 6-22]  All Boosters will be shipped by the end of the week, with the first wave being shipped today. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by delays to this product. Tracking will not automatically be sent for these shipments. If you would like to receive a tracking number. Please contact us at info@flipsidegaming.com

{Wizards of the Coast released a statement acknowledging an internal error that caused the included Japanese Godzilla cards to not be in English Collector Booster Boxes. With the aim of fulfilling our orders in a timely manner, Collector Booster Boxes will be shipped as expected and the Japanese Godzilla packets will be shipped at a later date. Wizards has told us this should be around the end of May, but we are working to provide the best possible experience we can while under limited information, and thus details are subject to change.}


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