Top 8 Summer Magic Cards

It’s summertime! Over here in upstate New York we’re in the middle of a pretty intense heat wave, so it felt like the perfect time to go over some of Magic’s hottest Summer cards! Hopefully you can find a nice cool place to read from while we go over what
8. Solar Blaze
In a lot of ways, it can feel like these heat waves feel like a powerful blast of solar energy, with the sole intention of making everyone’s lives even more stressful than they had to be. With temperatures around 100 degrees fahrenheit, it wouldn’t even be too surprising to start seeing…
7. Heat Shimmer
The strong heat can affect us in many different ways. From embarrassing pit stains and painful sunburns, all the way to psychological desert mirages, sometimes the best way to get out of the heat is by taking a trip to a…
6. Deserted Beach
What better way to cool off in the Summer than a trip to the beach! (Just make sure you bring sunscreen this time!) As a nice bonus, this Deserted Beach is totally empty! You’ll have the whole boardwalk all to yourself this summer, as long as you don’t go poking around into some of Innistrad’s deep dark secrets. Just make sure you stick around till…
5. High Tide
Ahh, High Tide. It’s the perfect time of day to hang out at the beach, grill up some food, and maybe even put the boat in the water! As the great Dack Fayden once said, “There’s nothing like the high seas to clear your head!” Speaking of which, we’re gonna need a…
4. Sleek Schooner
Who doesn't love a good sailing trip on a bright sunny day! The wind in your hair, sounds of waves against the boat, and maybe even some fishing with the gang! Just make sure you don’t catch anything too big in the deep sea, say something like a…
3. Hullbreaker Horror
Oh no! It doesn't look like our little Schooner is gonna be fast enough to get us away from this terrifying giant Kraken! Maybe we shouldn't have gone to the beach on Innistrad after all! But wait, what's that on the horizon? It looks like a storm's brewing, maybe this is our way out! As long as it's not a...
2. Shark Typhoon
...Alright maybe we should have found a different way to deal with this heat wave in the first place. At least it can't get any worse from here!... Right?
Before we get to the number one Summer Magic card, we’ve got some…
Honorable Mentions
1. Hurricane
This card is doing some double lifting in this list. Hurricane is not only a big summer storm, it’s also one of the most expensive cards from the mythical Summer Magic set! Summer Magic was originally designed to be an improved printing of the Revised set back in the summer of 1994. This print run ended up causing more problems than it solved, so it was discontinued pretty quickly. One of those new problems came in the form of an ultra rare Blue bordered version of the green card Hurricane!