Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Chesnaught V SIT 15 and really discourages your opponent from attacking. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.
Our main attacker, Chesnaught V SIT 15 can make your opponent think twice before attacking. That's due to its Needle Line Ability. This Ability will put three damage counters on your opponent's Attacking Pokemon if your Active Chesnaught V SIT 15 receives any damage from your opponent's attack. This Ability will work if you have any Benched Chesnaught V SIT 15 as well, so with a full playset in play, you'll place a total of 12 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon. Chesnaught V SIT 15 also has the Touchdown attack, which will deal 130 damage to your opponent's Pokemon, plus it will heal 30 damage from Chesnaught V SIT 15 when you use it.
Next, we have Rillaboom SSH 14 who can help power up your team with ease thanks to its Voltage Beat Ability. In a pinch, you can also attack with its Hammer In attack, dealing 140 damage. You won't usually want to use this attack, though, as it is better to keep Rillaboom SSH 14 safe on your Bench so you can use Voltage Beat each turn.
The main purpose of including Radiant Tsareena SIT 16 in this deck is for the use of its Elegant Heal Ability. This Ability allows you to heal 20 damage from each of your Pokemon every turn. When this is combined with the damage healed with Chesnaught V SIT 15's Touchdown attack, you'll be healing 50 damage from Chesnaught V SIT 15 each turn, making Knocking it Out difficult.
Since you'll want to get multiple copies of Chesnaught V SIT 15 into play quickly, you'll need ways to search for them from within your deck. Battle VIP Pass FST 225 can help you get a pair on your first turn. Forest Seal Stone SIT 156 can be attached to Chesnaught V SIT 15 to give it the Star Alchemy Ability VSTAR Power, allowing you to search your deck for any card to put into your hand. Finally, Quick Ball SSH 179 can be used to help you find any Pokemon you need from your deck. It's a great way to find a copy of Rillaboom SSH 14 right when you need one.
To make Chesnaught V SIT 15 even more difficult to Knock Out, you can attach a copy of Cape of Toughness DAA 160 to it. This will give it an additional 50 HP. Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 is included in this deck as a safety measure, in the event that Chesnaught V SIT 15 or Rillaboom SSH 14 is trapped in your Prize cards. Finally, if you ever have any copies of Chesnaught V SIT 15 get Knocked Out, you'll be able to use Ordinary Rod SSH 171 to return a pair of them to your deck.
Both Marnie CPA 56 and Roxanne ASR 150 provide you a way to draw some different cards, as well as a way to mess with your opponent's hand. Both of these Supporters have you and your opponent shuffle your hands back into your deck and then draw a new hand of cards. With Colress's Experiment LOR 155, you'll get to put three cards from the top five cards of your deck into your hand, while placing the other two into the Lost Zone. This can help you get the best cards while removing cards that are no longer useful (like Battle VIP Pass FST 225) from your deck.
Both Professor's Research BRS 147 and Serena SIT 164 allow you to switch your opponent's Active Pokemon with one from their Bench. Alternatively, Serena SIT 164 can be used to discard less-than-useful cards from your hand in order to draw some new cards. In the event that your opponent plays any cards that change your Active Pokemon, you can use Switch SSH 183 to make sure you have a Chesnaught V SIT 15 to attack with.
The final card in this deck is Turffield Stadium CPA 68. While it is included for its ability to find Rillaboom SSH 14 from your deck, the main reason for it is to counter any copies of Path to the Peak CRE 148 that your opponent might play. This deck really relies on Chesnaught V SIT 15's Needle Line Ability to keep your opponent from attacking, and Path to the Peak CRE 148 would shut off this Ability.
Wrapping Up
While Chesnaught V SIT 15's Needle Line Ability might not be amazing if you only have one copy of Chesnaught V SIT 15 in play, getting multiple uses of it at once is pretty great. This is a terrific budget deck, so if you think it looks fun, I'd recommend giving this deck a try.
What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!
- Mike Likes