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MTG The Brothers War (Set of 2) Commander Decks

Set of 2 commander decks - one of each The Brothers’ War Commander Deck set includes 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 traditional foil legendary cards, 98 nonfoil...

MTG The Brothers War [x6] Collector Sealed Inner Case

 6 boxes per inner case Each Collector Booster Box contains: 12x The Brothers' War collector booster packs 15 Magic cards + 1 foil token in each booster 10–11 foil cards...

MTG The Brothers War [x6] Set Sealed Case

6 boxes per case Each Set Booster Box contains: 30 The Brothers’ War Set Boosters—the best MTG boosters to open just for fun 12 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster...

MTG The Brothers War [x6] Jumpstart Sealed Case

6 boxes per case Each Jumpstart Booster Box contains: 18 The Brothers’ War Jumpstart Boosters—20 Magic cards per booster 2 Traditional Foil Land cards in every pack 2 Rare cards...

MTG The Brothers' War Gift Edition Bundle Box

On top of the usual Bundle goodies, the Gift Bundle contains a 15-card Collector Booster, including cards with special card treatments, 10–11 shining foil cards, and a total of 6...

MTG The Brothers War Set Booster Box

Each Set Booster Box contains: 30 The Brothers’ War Set Boosters—the best MTG boosters to open just for fun 12 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster 1–5 cards of rarity...

MTG The Brothers War Jumpstart Booster Box

Each Jumpstart Booster Box contains: 18 The Brothers’ War Jumpstart Boosters—20 Magic cards per booster 2 Traditional Foil Land cards in every pack 2 Rare cards in every pack—including 1...

MTG The Brothers War Draft Booster Box

Each The Brothers' War Draft booster box contains: 36 The Brothers War MTG Draft Boosters 15 Magic cards per booster At least 1 card of rarity Rare or higher in...

MTG The Brothers War Collector Booster Box

 Each Collector Booster Box contains: 12x The Brothers' War collector booster packs 15 Magic cards + 1 foil token in each booster 10–11 foil cards in every pack 1 special...