War of the Spark Prereleases will be firing off all around the world this weekend! Make sure you get the full experience and try to get some achievements!
Achievement |
Points Available |
Cast Gideon’s Sacrifice to redirect damage from Liliana, Dreadhorde General onto Gideon Blackblade, killing Gideon.
50 |
Cast The Elderspell to kill at least one other planeswalker, put the loyalty on Nicol Bolas and win the game with his ultimate. |
50 |
Cast The Elderspell to kill at least one other planeswalker, put the loyalty on Nicol Bolas… and fail to win the game. |
100 |
Use Sorin’s uptick to damage Nahiri. |
40 |
Use Nahiri’s Stoneblades to power up creatures attacking Sorin. |
40 |
Cast Single Combat and end with a Sorin and a Nahiri. |
50 |
Kill an opposing Nicol Bolas with Bontu. |
50 |
Kill an opposing Dovin with Chandra’s Triumph. |
40 |
Play a Bond in the corresponding appropriate three-color deck. |
30 |
Cast Fblthp the Lost. |
20 |
Cast Fblthp the Lost as the only Blue card in your deck. |
30 |
Cast Fblthp the Lost while controlling a God-Pharaoh’s Statue. |
40 |
Put Kaya’s Ghostform on Kaya. |
40 |
Cast Niv-Mizzet Reborn with mana from Firemind’s Vessel. |
50 |
Use Emergence Zone to flash in a spell with Amass. |
10 |
When someone casts Niv-Mizzet Reborn, ask, “Wait a minute, when did he die?” |
10 |
Use Dovin to prevent damage from Chandra. |
30 |
Destroy a planeswalker with Despark. |
20 |
Destroy God-Pharaoh’s Statue with Topple the Statue. |
40 |
Use Storm the Citadel to destroy Bolas’s Citadel. |
50 |
Put counters on Mowu with Jiang Yanggu. |
20 |
Put Nicol Bolas in Prison Realm. |
100 |
BONUS: Free Nicol Bolas from Prison Realm and comment on how you’re fast-forwarding the story ~10 years. |
9000IQ |
Miscellaneous Achievements
Achievement |
Points Available |
When you cast Commence the Endgame, excitedly list fake spoilers from Avengers: Endgame, enraging those around you. |
30 |
Don’t cry when you cast Heartwarming Redemption. |
10 |
Announce Dovin’s Veto as Dovin’s Ban. Missed opportunity. |
10 |
Whenever you cast Time Wipe, Teferi, or a card with Teferi flavor text, repeat one of Teferi’s witty, time-related jokes from Arena. |
30 |
When you cast Unlikely Aid, discuss with your opponent how you’re totally shipping Rakdos and Gideon. |
10 |
When you cast Honor the God-Pharaoh, stand up and dance, mimicking the moves depicted in the art. |
50 |
Cast Giant Growth on Mowu. |
30 |
Sacrifice all permanents you control to Bontu. |
40 |
Sacrifice all creatures (greater than or equal to 3) to Devouring Hellion. Say, “Om nom nom” as you do. |
40 |
Kill a 5-toughness creature with Massacre Girl. |
30 |
Win with damage off Davriel. |
50 |
Win by milling with Ashiok. |
50 |
If you have The Wanderer onboard, state that she will now tick down to reveal her true form, and put an Emrakul onto the table. |
50 |
Cast Bond of Passion and have it be good. |
40 |
Win the game with Tibalt. Comment on just how far we’ve come. |
40 |
Lose the game with Tibalt. Comment on how some things never change. |
40 |
Gain 16 life with Planewide Celebration and lose the game. |
30 |
Gain 16 life with Planewide Celebration and win the game. When you do, say, “See? Lifegain is ALWAYS playable!” |
50 |
Encounter a situation where it would have been better for you to not put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani’s Pridemate, but you were forced to anyways. |
Activate Karn’s Bastion, shake your head, and say, “I can’t believe Karn’s working for the Phyrexians now.” |
20 |
Build a deck with at least 5 Charmed Stray. |
50 |
Win a game in which you cast only Charmed Strays. |
100 |
Proliferate an Amass token and state, “Wow, these Phyrexian zombies are really getting out of hand.” |
30 |
Use Kasmina’s Transumation to give your Amass token +1/+1. |
40 |
Deal all damage via noncombat damage. |
50 |
Play five colors. |
50 |