*Prices are TCG Mid of the cheapest version*
8. The MM17 Staples
Liliana of the Veil($110), Cavern of Souls($88), and Snapcaster Mage($70) all saw recent reprints in Modern Masters 2017. However, once the Bloodbraid Elf and Jace the Mind Sculptor were unbanned, Jund and Blue Control decks were temporarily in high demand, raising the price of Liliana and Snapcaster. Since the unbannings, Humans became the best deck in Modern, requiring four copies of Cavern of Souls, Teferi has led to the rise of Jeskai Control, and Jund remains playable, if not exceptional. While Liliana may slowly creep down, the other two are unlikely to do much but rise, particularly if Humans and Jeskai continue to be powerful choices.
7. The MM15 Staples
Last printed in Modern Masters 2015, all have seen rises since. Mox Opal ($101) is most in need of a reprint, as it recently crossed the $100 threshold. Confidant spiked with the increased post-banning playability of Jund, Hierarch ($80) continues to be a staple in the vast majority of green decks (and Humans, the best deck in Modern), and Karn ($87) creeped up as Eldrazi Tron and Gx Tron increased in popularity. Aside from Bob ($80) and maybe Karn, these cards are also unlikely to go lower without a reprint.
6. Kamigawa Cheaty-Cards
Through the Breach ($58) and Goryo's Vengeance ($49) are not that in-demand in Modern, but the supply of them is low, as they were only printed in Kamigawa Block. Additionally, Legacy and Commander would also appreciate a lowered price for these cards.
5. Scapeshift
Scapeshift ($58) is in a similar category as the Kamigawa cards. Printed only in Morningtide, Scapeshift sees play in only its titular deck. The only reason it commands such a high price is because of the lack of supply.
4. Engineered Explosives
Engineered Explosives ($80) was reprinted in Modern Masters, but really blew up in popularity a couple years later. It became a vital sideboard piece in Modern, spiking in 2016 to around $40 and then again earlier this year to its current price. It’s time for another reprint of this Modern sideboard staple.
3. Celestial Colonnade
Particularly if Jeskai Control continues to put up results in Modern, Celestial Colonnade ($57) (and the other creature-lands, to a lesser extent) desperately needs a reprint. Supply is low, and demand is growing. Including creature-lands as a cycle in a reprint set is easy to do and would go a long way to help those aspiring control players out there to fill out their manabase.
2. Meddling Mage
Humans becoming Modern’s best deck turned this $6, largely unplayable card into one of Modern’s most annoying creatures. Humans’ disruptive elements are key to its success, and for as long as it remains Tier 1, Meddling Mage ($28) will remain high-priced.
1. Goblin Lore
Another classic case of an uncommon with an extremely low supply that suddenly became a 4-of in a Tier 1 Modern deck. Goblin Lore ($30) is one of the lynchpins of the BR Hollow One deck, and there’s no reason for an uncommon to be this expensive. As they reprinted Serum Visions, Path to Exile, and Inquisition of Kozilek before it, it’s hopefully only a matter of time before Wizards reprints Goblin Lore.
While the exact ordering is up for debate, I think these would be some of the best reprints for the format (Zendikar Fetches get honorable mentions!) Any cards that I missed? Which cards do you most want to see reprinted? Share in the comments!
Ryan is a grinder from Boston with SCG & GP Top 8’s and a PT Day 2. His fragile self-esteem is built on approval from others, so be sure to tell him what you think of his articles on Twitter @RyanNormandin and in his Twitch chat at twitch.tv/norm_the_ryno.