Theros Beyond Death Prerelease starts tonight! Keep track of how many of these achievements you can check off throughout the weekend!
Achievement: |
✓ |
Generate over 30 mana with Nyxbloom Ancient |
Gain control of Thassa with Kiora Bests the Sea God |
Return Elspeth, Sun’s Nemesis with Elspeth Conquers Death |
Counter an Ashiok, Nightmare Muse with Ashiok’s Erasure |
Pull all remaining lands out of your deck with Nylea’s Intervention |
Look at your entire deck with Thassa’s Intervention |
Put a Hydra’s Growth on a Hydra |
Eat to Extinction a Krosa, Titan of Death’s Hunger |
Win the game with Thassa’s Oracle’s ability |
Win the game by dealing lethal damage with Thassa’s Oracle. – “Not the way you expected this card to kill you, eh?” |
Use Nightmare Shepherd to create 1/1 token copies of any of the Gods |
Lock yourself out of casting spells with Treacherous Blessing |
Be disappointed by Shatter the Sky |
Play five colors with Dryad of the Ilysian Grove |
Win the game by sacrificing creatures to Lampad of Death’s Vigil |
Counter a removal spell because your opponent forgot that Alseid of Life’s Bounty has a relevant ability |
Miss pretty much all of your Daxos, Blessed by the Sun triggers |
Helpfully point out to your opponent after they thoroughly demolish you that they missed all their Daxos, Blessed by the Sun triggers |
Exile a Titan with The Binding of the Titans |
Pump Anax, Hardened in the Forge with The Triumph of Anax |
Talk about how much you miss Teyo when you make an 0/4 with The Birth of Meletis |
Confuse Alirios by generating multiple Reflections |
Break four digits with Hydra’s Growth |
When playing Banishing Light, reminisce about the good old days when you could loop Oblivion Rings |
Mill out your opponent with Sage of Mysteries |
Be unable to play Enemy of Enlightenment because you’re not fond of 0/0’s |
Cast Klothys’s Design, then be disappointed because you forgot it doesn’t grant Trample. |
Relive the good ol’ days and lethal your opponent by draining them with Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Mention how disappointed you are that you never drew your Pack Rat. |
Return Thassa to her owner’s hand with Sea God’s Scorn. |
Whiff repeatedly with Nessian Wanderer. |
Get got by Threnody Singer |
Loop Dreadful Apathy with Captivating Unicorn |
Cast Underworld Breach, pull out a die, and announce, “Storm Count is one.” |
Snap Alirios out of his narcissism; attack with him while you control a Reflection. |
Exile a Cling to Dust with a Cling to Dust. |
Fog with Inspire Awe, then mutter, “Why can’t I just draw my Nexus of Fate?” |
Do something super cool with Flicker of Fate. |
Play too many copies of Glimpse of Freedom. |
Flummox a Cyclops. |
Trade a Moss Viper for a Titan, and laugh at how puny these gods are. |
Turn a God or a Titan into a fish. |
Correctly pronounce Ichthyomorphosis on the first attempt. |
Use Nylea’s Forerunner with Klothys’s Design to Overrun your opponent. |
Cast the same Sleep of the Dead targeting the same creature at least three times. |
Whenever you cast a Blessing, pull out the City’s Blessing. |
Whenever you cast a Blessing, draw disdainful looks as you shout, “Hashtag blessed!” |
When you cast it, say Irreverent Revelers 10 times fast. |
Whiff with Relentless Pursuit. |
Mill out your opponent with Sweet Oblivion. |
Deal 20+ damage with Temple Thief. |
Mill your opponent with Ashiok. |
Be surprised by the degree to which Calix overperforms. |
Have Klothys single-handedly demolish your opponent. |
Have your Kroxa be immediately exiled every time it hits the graveyard. |
Read Bronzehide Lion multiple times because you keep confusing it with Fleecemane Lion. |
Have Allure of the Unknown backfire. |
Use Dalakos to cast one of the four Equipment in the set. |
Play Gallia of the Endless Dance and announce how excited you are to play Satyr Tribal. |
Cast Haktos the Unscarred on Turn 4. |
Deal 20+ damage with Devourer of Memory. |
Put Staggering Insight on a creature on Turn 2 and have it run away with the game. |
Insist that Nyx Lotus is the best Lotus of all time. |
Use Shadowspear to kill a God. |
Accidentally untap Entrancing Lyre when you intended to keep it tapped. Prompty get punished. |
Kill a deathtouch creature with Mirror Shield. |
Use Labyrinth of Skophos and Skophos Maze-Warden to kill a creature. |
Field of Ruin something. |
Discuss how excited you are that, with Field of Ruin, Wizards finally printed a way to deal with Field of the Dead in Standard. It will slot right into your Oko deck! |
Each achievement is worth 2 points! Add up your record and let me know your score in the comments!