The On Suspend Podcast Ep. 2 - The Unifying Theory of Modern


This week, the guys gather 'round to discuss GP Detroit, Team Unified Modern and their preferred 3 deck lineups.

Connor's Lineups:
Bant Spirits - KCI - Grixis Death's Shadow 
KCI - UW Control - Humans
Bogles - Tron - Grixis Death's Shadow

Chris Juliano's Lineups:
Hollow One - Humans/Bant Spirits - KCI 
UW Control - Humans/Bant Spirits - Mardu Pyromancer
Tron - Bogles - Storm

Rich's Lineups: 
Storm - Humans - KCI 
Mardu Pyromancer - Bant Spirits - Tron
Hollow One - Bant Spirits - Tron

You can find the decklists referenced here: 
GP Prague:…ague-2018#paper
MTGO PTQ:…n-ptq-2018-09-02
MTGO Challenge:…lenge-2018-09-02

Our reference sheets can be found here:…-JmHC0/edit#gid=0


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