In a world full of 4-colour decks, be a colourless eldritch nightmare. E-tron lists are still going strong, utili...
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Last weekend at an RCQ, I borrowed a friend's Tron deck and piloted it to the finals. Along the way, I ran into t...
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Whenever new Magic cards are released, which is about once every other week in 2022, nothing brings players more j...
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Izzet Prowess: Aggro and Tempo, Together Again
Spellslinger decks have always been in the Modern meta, it usually c...
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There is a short list of cards in each set that make waves in eternal formats. The draw of playing Modern or Legacy...
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Welcome back, everyone, to that seemingly unnamed series where I play rogue decks in modern. Rogue/bad/jank decks h...
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