If last week's breakdown on B/G Yawgmoth didn't persuade you to play the deck, I won a forty-four person RCQ on 1...
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The last five years of Magic have been remarkable for the dramatic changes they’ve brought to the game, the ways t...
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Yawgmoth, Thran Physician and his accompaniments of 2 Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist, or a combo of the two have ...
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For many introductory Modern decks, the cheaper the cards are, the more aggressive the deck is. This deck is part...
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In the challenges from 12/10, 12/4, and 12/3, there was a wide array of decks. Right now modern is truly anyone's...
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Modern is a very expensive format. With decks that cost upwards of one thousand dollars, competing while on a bud...
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