Hello all, this article is not going to be about the standout reprints in Commander Masters that have been revealed so far. Not the explosive chase rares and mythics, for that you just need to know that Jeweled Lotus, Cyclonic Rift, and Craterhoof Behemoth are being reprinted, which is very exciting. Today we will be talking about some needed and slightly more under the radar reprints. That being said, the most exciting reprint in my eyes so far is that of-
Capture of Jingzhou
5 mana take an extra turn, so it's just Time Warp. Exactly the same, right? Wrong. Capture of Jingzhou has never been reprinted in paper, so unless you have a copy from Portal Three Kingdoms you're missing a Time Warp effect in your taking-turns deck. This lack of a reprint has led to a hefty price tag that should hopefully plummet soon. Hopefully more reprints from Portak Three Kingdoms will hit sets in the near future as many cards from the set remain difficult to obtain in paper.
This card hasn't been seen since 8th edition. It is insanely powerful on the condition that one of your opponents is playing a creature that's insanely powerful. This isn't a very tall order in a four person pod of Commander. A well timed theft of your opponents Consecrated Sphinx can be game breaking. (Sphinx would also be a good reprint, but at time of writing this hasn't been announced.)
Smothering Tithe
There are several relatively recent cards in this set that haven't been reprinted for a variety of reasons. Most of these reasons tend to be with no space for a reprint thematically or logistically, although it can be argued that commander staples can and should be in the frequently released commander products, but that is not for today's discussion. Smothering Tithe has made itself known as a Commander staple alongside the likes of Rhystic Study, as such it is in high demand considering the single printing before this was in our most recent trip to Ravinca. This is an “everybody wants one" card and the demand will continue even after this set increases the market for it. Staples are always good to have so pick some up if you have the opportunity.
Extraplanar Lens
This card was originally printed in mirrodin and was only ever reprinted as a Kaladesh invention, which if you were around during its time, were VERY rare. Lens could be a sought after staple for mono colored decks if it had more printings. Imprint is a relatively low cost (just look at Chrome Mox ) and its cost in Commander is even lower. Doubling your mana for three is very appealing, almost every other similar effect either costs more or also works for your opponent. Heartbeat of Spring is powerful but doubling everyone's mana is a higher cost than dumping a land from your hand. Some cards in Commander are staples because they're popular, but I believe that some have never had the opportunity to gain popularity due to scarcity, and others due to not knowing about older cards. For example, the card Compost is very powerful, albeit situational, but most players don't know it exists. Extraplanar Lens isn't quite at that level but if this reprint didn't happen it may have fallen into obscurity.
Instant speed gain control of a creature at 7 mana! Preposterous! At the cost of two blue cards however, less so. It is a high cost but in blue decks drawing enough cards to have two extra blue cards is possible. This is the first reprint of the card ever, the original printing being back in Coldsnap. Is this an "everyone go out and get one" Commander card? Probably not, but it is a very interesting and helpful reprint.
Toxic Deluge
Deluge has been reprinted several times already and that's good. This MIGHT be the most powerful board wipe in black, but that too is a subject for another day. This card needs to keep being reprinted to stay affordable for the average Commander and Legacy player. Outside of that need, there isn't much else to say about Deluge, get it and play it, it's powerful.
This card used to be a signature game ender in Commander; hence it being first reprinted in the first batch of Commander deck products. Big mana cost for big effects, same cost as Craterhoof. Unlike Craterhoof though, it relies on your opponents having a group of creatures rather than you having a bunch. Does it win every game? No, but is it very powerful? Yes. In theory could you take everyone's creatures, take out another player then sacrifice all other creatures to a sacrifice outlet? Yes. Is that fun? I think so, though some people don't take kindly to this kind of super powerful I win card, even at 8 mana.
The Great Henge
The Great Henge is another card we're talking about today that's been recently printed. The only reason it hasn't been reprinted is that we haven't gone back to Eldraine yet. (I know it was printed in the Lord of The Rings Set, that kind of small reprint does nothing for the market). The Great Henge is a super powerful engine for all green creature decks and most of them want a card like this. It makes a late game draw of an Arbor Elf into a slightly larger body and draws a replacement card. I see the appeal and could use a second copy of it myself.
All in all this set is going to be at the very least interesting since the reprint spoilers continue to be very good. Next time I'll be back to talking about the banlist, unless something weird is announced with this set, then ill be back covering that.