Innistrad: Midnight Hunt prerelease is finally here! Keep track of how many of these achievements you can check off throughout this dark and spooky weekend!
Achievement: |
✓ |
Kill a Fowl (bird) with Foul Play |
Cast Borrowed Time while in Turns |
Whenever you see Curse of Surveillance, sing Riley Knight’s song about the card |
Call a judge to resolve the board when you have both a Poppet Factory and a Sludge Monster |
Win the game with Triskaidekaphile |
Scared of the Dark – Play a game where once it becomes day, you prevent it from ever being night |
Night Owl – Play a game where once it becomes night, it never becomes day |
Loop Dryad’s Revival with itself |
Cast Seize the Storm for at least 15 |
Cast Lunar Frenzy during Day. If an opponent does it, argue that it shouldn’t do anything. |
When a Burly Breaker is played, comment that you’ve seen burlier – in the mirror. Give opponent a flex. |
Free Achievement – Fail to flip your Delver of Secrets five or more turns in a row |
Steal a Loyal Gryff. Not so loyal after all. |
Put a Hedgewitch’s Mask and Griselbrand’s Mask onto the same creature. |
When you put a card into your hand with Organ Hoarder, be sure to let your opponent know which organ you’ve found. |
Go all event referring to Immolation as “Red Weight.” |
When you cast Eaten Alive on a creature, explain that it was only because they were such a snack. |
Assemble a board state with 13 or more lanterns in card art. |
Dress up as Fleshtaker. |
Weird Flex – Flashback a counterspell with Lier, Disciple of the Drowned |
Croaking Counterpart a Consuming Blob |
Get 10 mana worth of value off Storm the Festival. |
Rookie Mistake – Kill a Slaughter Specialist with the 1/1 Human it creates. |
Cast Vanquish the Horde for WW. |
Name Borborygmos with Pithing Needle, then complain that you named the wrong one. |
Cast Unnatural Growth in a two-color deck. |
Flashback Light Up the Night, then complain about how bad your pool was. |
Vivisection a Novel Occultist to draw 4. |
Not Ambitious Enough – Fail to find a Plains off Ambitious Farmhand. |
Broke It – Combine Skaab Wrangler with Saryth, the Viper’s Fang to give a blocking creature deathtouch. |
Mill an opponent out by looping Turn the Earths. |
Deal 20+ damage with instants, sorceries, and Thermo-Alchemists. |
Create a board state with a number of eyeballs not equal to twice the number of creatures in play. |
Win the game by decking your opponent with the Devious Coverup lock loop. |
Kill an opponent with Blood Pact – extra points if you do it by decking them. |
Cast Moonrager’s Slash as a Lightning Bolt. |
The Most Dangerous Game – Use Gavony Trapper to tap down a fellow human. |
Kill a Bird with Bird Admirer |
Startle your opponent when you cast Startle. |
Cast three Famished Foragers in the same turn. |
Cast Stormrider Spirit, then debate whether Living Tempest, Spire Monitor, or Wind Strider were your favorite version of this card. |
Famous Last Words – Have an Unruly Mob die to a Werewolf. |
Use Rem Karolus to turn Play with Fire into Lightning Bolt with upside. |
Use Siphon Insight to cast your opponent’s bomb. |
All In – Put every creature card in your deck into your graveyard with Old Stickfingers. |
Irony – Eaten Alive a Hungry for More token. |
Whenever you cast a Werewolf, say, “If there’s anything a werewolf hates, it’s a collar – especially Avacyn’s collar, the symbol of her church.” |
Use Sludge Monster to make your Stuffed Bear into a real (2/2) bear. |
Whenever an opponent casts a Vampire, nod sagely and ask, “You’re Team Edward?” |
Whenever an opponent casts a Werewolf, nod sagely and ask, “You’re Team Jacob?” |