Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Prerelease Achievement Game


Innistrad: Midnight Hunt prerelease is finally here! Keep track of how many of these achievements you can check off throughout this dark and spooky weekend!




Kill a Fowl (bird) with Foul Play

Cast Borrowed Time while in Turns

Whenever you see Curse of Surveillance, sing Riley Knight’s song about the card

Call a judge to resolve the board when you have both a Poppet Factory and a Sludge Monster

Win the game with Triskaidekaphile

Scared of the Dark – Play a game where once it becomes day, you prevent it from ever being night

Night Owl – Play a game where once it becomes night, it never becomes day

Loop Dryad’s Revival with itself

Cast Seize the Storm for at least 15

Cast Lunar Frenzy during Day. If an opponent does it, argue that it shouldn’t do anything.

When a Burly Breaker is played, comment that you’ve seen burlier – in the mirror. Give opponent a flex.

Free Achievement – Fail to flip your Delver of Secrets five or more turns in a row

Steal a Loyal Gryff. Not so loyal after all.

Put a Hedgewitch’s Mask and Griselbrand’s Mask onto the same creature.

When you put a card into your hand with Organ Hoarder, be sure to let your opponent know which organ you’ve found.

Go all event referring to Immolation as “Red Weight.”

When you cast Eaten Alive on a creature, explain that it was only because they were such a snack.

Assemble a board state with 13 or more lanterns in card art.

Dress up as Fleshtaker.

Weird Flex – Flashback a counterspell with Lier, Disciple of the Drowned

Croaking Counterpart a Consuming Blob

Get 10 mana worth of value off Storm the Festival.

Rookie Mistake – Kill a Slaughter Specialist with the 1/1 Human it creates.

Cast Vanquish the Horde for WW.

Name Borborygmos with Pithing Needle, then complain that you named the wrong one.

Cast Unnatural Growth in a two-color deck.

Flashback Light Up the Night, then complain about how bad your pool was.

Vivisection a Novel Occultist to draw 4.

Not Ambitious Enough – Fail to find a Plains off Ambitious Farmhand.

Broke It – Combine Skaab Wrangler with Saryth, the Viper’s Fang to give a blocking creature deathtouch.

Mill an opponent out by looping Turn the Earths.

Deal 20+ damage with instants, sorceries, and Thermo-Alchemists.

Create a board state with a number of eyeballs not equal to twice the number of creatures in play.

Win the game by decking your opponent with the Devious Coverup lock loop.

Kill an opponent with Blood Pact – extra points if you do it by decking them.

Cast Moonrager’s Slash as a Lightning Bolt.

The Most Dangerous Game – Use Gavony Trapper to tap down a fellow human.

Kill a Bird with Bird Admirer

Startle your opponent when you cast Startle.

Cast three Famished Foragers in the same turn.

Cast Stormrider Spirit, then debate whether Living Tempest, Spire Monitor, or Wind Strider were your favorite version of this card.

Famous Last Words – Have an Unruly Mob die to a Werewolf.

Use Rem Karolus to turn Play with Fire into Lightning Bolt with upside.

Use Siphon Insight to cast your opponent’s bomb.

All In – Put every creature card in your deck into your graveyard with Old Stickfingers.

Irony – Eaten Alive a Hungry for More token.

Whenever you cast a Werewolf, say, “If there’s anything a werewolf hates, it’s a collar – especially Avacyn’s collar, the symbol of her church.”

Use Sludge Monster to make your Stuffed Bear into a real (2/2) bear.

Whenever an opponent casts a Vampire, nod sagely and ask, “You’re Team Edward?”

Whenever an opponent casts a Werewolf, nod sagely and ask, “You’re Team Jacob?”


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