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Unmarried Zulu Impi

Usuthu! The feared Zulu warcry of 'Kill!' shouted by hundreds of brave, fierce warriors would put fear into the hearts of most men. The men shouting this battle-cry have a...

Married Zulu Impi

The Zulu army was a formidable foe. Well-trained, well-led, and well-equipped for campaigns, the Zulu regiments were the terror of Africa. Created by the great Shaka, founder of the nation,...

Natal Native Contingent Regiment

Largely being used as support for the Main British forces in South Africa they became the main defense force against the Zulu forces. Recruited from the local populace, mainly from...

(AZW) British Line Infantry Regiment

A casual look at Tommy Atkins of the Victorian period gave little away about his fighting abilities. Standing 5´5" on average, and often shorter, he may or may not be...

Marlborough's Wars: Cavalry of the Sun King

Some cavalry units used their modern tactics but others stuck to their traditional methods, such as the Duke of Marlborough's cavalry, they were ordered to charge headlong with swords drawn...

Marlborough's Wars: Infantry of the Sun King

An army is also a symbol of their king, his prestige and majesty so it's only right that the King Louis' own army will be the most powerful within Europe...

Marlborough's Wars: Infantry of the Grand Alliance

Infantry formed the main back bone of any force within the history known world, the man makes the army. Drilled to near perfection, trained to withstand anything and fighting for...

Marlborough's Wars Starter Army

Fought between 1701 and 1714, the War of the Spanish Succession began with a dispute between King Louis XIV of France and Emperor Leopold I of Austria about who should...

AWI Woodland Indians (Plastic Box)

The Native Americans had a quandary in deciding who to back, in what must have seen to them a puzzling civil war. The Indian tribes, or Confederations, were themselves split...

AWI Colonial Militia Men (Plastic Box)

America was a dangerous place to live in the 18th century, the communities feeling under real or imagined danger from Indian attack or forays from France or Spain. The British...

Field Artillery and Army Commanders (Plastic Box)

In Europe, massed artillery was beginning to be a regular feature on the battlefield, and came at times to dominate the field. This was much less the case in America...

Continental Infantry Regiment (Plastic Box)

George Washington had served in the Crown forces against the French, and knew full well how the British regulars fought. He also knew that his militias and Minutemen, although numerous...