Warmachine MKIV: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard - Hydrix
Miniature Games
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Factions: Khymaera
Army: Shadowflame Shard
Model Type: Heavy Warbeast
Base Size: 50mm
Material: Resin
When the Vypex proved too fragile when forced to stand toe-to-toe with powerful monstrosities, a sturdier beast was necessary. Although not as swift as a Vypex, the Hydrix makes up for it with durability and a greater variety of utility. Built to operate within the confines of tight corridors and treacherous terrain, the Hydrix is capable of navigating any surface with no loss of combat potential. Designed with adaptability in mind, the regenerating Hydrix can be tailored by any warlock to serve their meticulous specifications, whether ranged, melee, or a hybrid of both.
Its modular back pieces can be customized to grant Overtake, Swift Hunter, or Flight
It possesses the Steady and Regeneration [d3] special rules
Its animus options include Counterblast, Prescience, and Ravening Hunger
The Hydrix is extremely versatile and can be modified to have three ranged attacks, three melee attacks, or any combination of the two