Standard PPTQ 6/4 Top 8 Decklists

June 06, 2017
4 Color VehiclesGreg Eichelberger1st Toolcraft Exemplar Thraben Inspector Veteran Motorist Scrapheap Scrounger Spell Queller Archangel Avacyn Spirebluff Canal Inspiring Vantage Concealed Courtyard Spire of Industry Aether Hub Irrigated Farmland Plains Heart of Kiran Aethersphere Harvester Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Unlicensed Disintegration Metallic Rebuke Archangel Avacyn Ceremonious Rejection Chandra, Flamecaller Fatal Push Fumigate Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Magma Spray Metallic Rebuke Nahiri, the Harbinger Release the Gremlins Sweltering Suns Wandering Fumarole
Mono BlackZombiesAdam Bink2nd Dread Wanderer Diregraf Colossus Relentless Dead Cryptbreaker Metallic Mimic Lord of the Accursed Westvale Abbey Swamp Fatal Push Dark Salvation Grasp of Darkness Liliana’s Mastery Grasp of Darkness Transgress the Mind Scrapheap Scrounger Ob Nixilis Reignited Never//Return Gonti, Lord of Luxury Dispossess Skysovereigh, Consul Flagship
Esper AggroLucas Molho3rd Thraben Inspector Toolcraft Exemplar Scrapheap Scrounge Thalia, Heretic Cathar Spell Queller Archangel Avacyn Port Town Concealed Courtyard Prairie Stream Spire of Industry Island Plains Heart of Kiran Declaration in Stone Metallic Rebuke Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Cast Out Fragmentize Blessed Alliance Declaration in Stone Negate Fumigate Selfless Spirit Quarantine Field
UR ControlThomas Gullo4th Torrential Gearhulk Aether Hub Spirebluff Canal Wandering Fumarole Island Mountain Magma Spray Harnessed Lightning Negate Censor Glimmer of Genius Hieroglyphic Illumination Sweltering Suns Disallow Void Shatter Essence Scatter Pull From Tomorrow Sphinx of the Final Word Negate Summary Dismissal Thing in the Ice Dragonmaster Outcast Dispel Sweltering Suns Chandra, Flamecaller
Temur MarvelBranden Cline5th Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Torrential Gearhulk Whirler Virtuoso Rogue Refiner Botanical Sanctum Spirebluff Canal Lumbering Falls Sheltered Thicket Aether Hub Island Mountain Forest Nissa’s Renewal Chandra, Flamecaller Censor Magma Spray Harnessed Lightning Glimmer of Genius Aetherworks Marvel Woodweaver’s Puzzleknot Attune with Aether Dispel Magma Spray Shielded Aether Thief Negate Tireless Tracker Manglehorn Appetite for the Unnatural Sweltering Suns
Mono BlackZombiesHenry Dimaria6th Dread Wanderer Diregraf Colossus Relentless Dead Cryptbreaker Metallic Mimic Lord of the Accursed Westvale Abbey Swamp Fatal Push Dark Salvation Grasp of Darkness Liliana’s Mastery Grasp of Darkness Transgress the Mind Scrapheap Scrounger Scarab Feast Dispossess
UR ControlEddie Martin7th Torrential Gearhulk Kefnet, the Mindful Aether Hub Spirebluff Canal Wandering Fumarole Island Mountain Magma Spray Harnessed Lightning Negate Censor Glimmer of Genius Hieroglyphic Illumination Commit// Memory Sweltering Suns Disallow Chandra, Flamecaller Essence Scatter Brutal Expulsion Negate Chandra, Flamecaller Thing in the Ice Dragonmaster Outcast Dispel Sweltering Suns Ceremonious Rejection Summary Dismissal
Mardu VehiclesJoe Kaiser8th Thraben Inspector Toolcraft Exemplar Scrapheap Scrounge Thalia, Heretic Cathar Walking Ballista Veteran Motorist Aether Hub Concealed Courtyard Shambling Vent Spire of Industry Canyon Slough Plains Mountain Inspiring Vantage Heart of Kiran Fatal Push Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Dispossess Archangel Avacyn Fumigate Release the Gremlins Sorin, Grim Nemesis Ob Nixilis, Reignited Chandra, Torch of Defiance Nahiri, the Harbinger Sky Sovereign, Consul Flagship